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Another Time, Another Place

Another Time, Another Place

Another Time, Another Place

San Simeon

Bryan Ferry


Walk up the driveway, endlessly curving

Go through the front door, it’s so inviting

Baronial great hall, once so exciting

Haunted by shadows, faces in hiding

Chair by the fire, I feel a tremor

Silent reminder, you used to be there

You are the princess, my wand doth wake you

Fantasy playmate, candlelight lover

San Simeon…Teasing in French lace, exotic promise

So undemanding, yet understanding

Each wall a picture, some of his best work

Delicate touches, they’re simply charming

Coffee table culture, full colour pages

Props archetypal, floral arrangement

Stereogram cabinet, walnut veneer

True reproduction, no one can hear

San Simeon…

Tiger skin rug love, I stroke you bite me

Executive leather, upholstered tightly

Bar in the next room, cocktails at seven

Soft light sweet music, lounge through eleven

Let’s walk in the garden, French windows open

Patio paving, concrete and crazy

Roses in blossom, they’re doing well this year

Geranium pattern, shrub topiary

Lie on your lush lawns, waterfall bubbles

Drink at my fountain, forget all your troubles

Forget all your troubles, forget all your troubles

San Simeon…